
Cowboy Blake

I love this guy so much. State Fair 2009

Two teeth


Off to school


I've been procrastinating getting back on here. I know. But, well, you can imagine what happened with Gloria. It was not good news. My dear friend Nancy and her son Ellis met me at the Kitty Klinic while she had her surgery. Thank God they were there--it couldn't have been easy for nancy to do that, but it kept my mind occupied and kept me from losing it. The doc came out after a short while, and let me know that there was nothing they could do--things had progressed very rapidly, and it was best to let her go. (There was no larvae.) It was extremely surreal to walk in to the clinic with my cat in her carrier, be petting her, then hand her off, and never see her alive again. It was a long, long day, and I'm glad it has passed. She's buried at my parents' house... they live on several acres in the woods, on land that has been in our family for 6 (?) generations.

Yes, I miss her like crazy. I think that I see her out of the corner of my eyes at least once per day. Most days Cedar asks about her, wants to see her, and sometimes is angry or very sad. It's been the hardest part of all of this.

We all miss her like crazy.

In other news, Ivy is on the move. In the last few weeks, she has gone from a rolling baby to now a full-on crawling baby, a pull-herself-up baby, and sometimes a standing-with-just-one arm-hanging-on-baby. She's trying to climb on shelves, etc. and is so proud of herself for every little accompishment. At the same time, she's much more vocal, babbling in this adorable Ivy-speak and saying a whole lot of mamamamamamas. She got her second tooth last week, too.

Today is a huge day, as both girls had their first official day of "school." We started an ECFE class together, and it went so well. Neither of them were scared or had any problems, and you could just tell how excited each of them were to be around all of the kids, the toys, the colors.... Even though I was just in the next room, I was definitely nervous and felt TONS of anxiety toward the end of the class--I just couldn't wait to see them again and hear how it all went. And of course, it went just great. When I walked out of the "mommy" room, all of the pre-schoolers were lined up on a bench outside, and as soon as Cedar saw me she gave me the hugest smile and "MOMMY!" It was precious and a moment I will always remember. Ivy, of course, couldn't have cared less.

Now if Miss Cedar can get this pooping and pottying under control, she can go to real pre-school, too. She knows this, but is still resisting a lot. Bribes help, but she just can't seem to grasp the concept of every time, always, NO MORE PULL-UPS or DIAPERS. I cannot wait. The diaper bag weighs a TON with Ivy's diapers, Cedar's pull-ups, spare clothes for each of them, THE STUPID FREAKING SESAME STREET TRAVEL POTTY CHAIR SEAT, and all of the rest of the crap (namely suckers and other stuff to shut up as needed).

Blake's idea of the day--get an old blender at the Goodwill, and use it for composting in the kitchen. Blend up the scraps to make composting go faster.

Tonight I get to go to school, too!!! I'm taking a 6 week weight and wellness course. We'll see what new obsessions the family is going to have to endure... I'm sure there will be several.