
let's try this again

OK, here I am again, with a renewed commitment and energy toward this blog. We'll see how long it lasts this time! Here's a bit of some catching up:

So, since the last post, I was laid off, had a baby, and have been staying at home with my girls. Ivy was born Dec. 30th of last year ('08) pretty much according to plan. I had a few complications (mostly with my incision, since it was a scheduled c-section) but she came out ready for the boobs and stole our hearts immediately. It was a big, huge, monumental adjustment going from a family of 3 to a family of 4. Way bigger than I had ever dreamed. It's still tough, but now feels normal. It's just such a strange thing to say to your first born, "Look what's coming home with us to change EVERYTHING."

After Cedar was born, I suffered from some post-partum depression, but didn't know it at the time. It happened again, and since I knew it might be coming, was a lot more prepared and willing to ask for help (ie DRUGS) this time. I've been on several meds, starting with Lexapro, then Prozac, Wellbutrin, and now Prestiq. The crazy (pun intended) thing about anti-depressants is how you have to play around with them to see what works for you. I thought the Prozac/Wellbutrin cocktail was fabulous for a few weeks, but then noticed all of these wacko side effects (I had 21 bruises on my right leg alone, had ringing in my ears, blurred vision, aching joints, HOT FLASHES--I am SOOOOOO not excited for menopause, etc.) so switched it up again. I've been on the Prestiq now going on 3 weeks, and it seems pretty good so far. I may talk to the doc about upping the dosage... still giving it a whirl.

What else? Oh, the lay off. The glorious lay off! OK, no, it is never fun to be laid off, but the timing could not have been better. Truth be told, I was really unhappy there, and wasn't sure what I was going to do after my maternity leave ANYHOW. So, when I was told they were eliminating my position, I was bizarrely thrilled. I was able to still get my paid maternity leave (through short-term disability, which I paid for) and then collect unemployment when that ran out. So, that's where I'm at. It's a bit scary, I won't lie, but I am just so thankful to be able to be at home with my girls AND to be getting a paycheck. I never thought I would be able to do this, and it's been pretty great. That said, it DID suck to be the first person ever laid off from Summit, but I am keeping in touch with the people who mattered to me there.

In other news, my kitty Gloria is pretty dang sick. I'm having to syringe feed her, as well as give her a lot of different meds each day. It's not good. It's taking its toll on all of us (emotionally AND financially). Trying to keep positive and think good thoughts.

Randomness--Cedar's favorite snack of the last few days is red kidney beans out of the can. Recipe: open can, rinse beans, put in bowl. DO NOT HEAT, UNDER PENALTY OF CEDAR. She'll eat them cold, but prefers them room temp. She also really likes plain, cold white rice.

I never knew I'd be raising a kid who likes prison food.

And Ivy will NOT eat mush!

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